11. Play during off-hours
As much fun as it is to play at lunchtime, the afternoon hours are often some of the busiest times for the game. If you can play later in the evening or early in the morning, you'll have a much more enjoyable time exploring the world.
12. Use Ingress to find PokéStops
Niantic used many of the maps within its previous game, Ingress, to populate PokéStops and Gyms in the Pokémon Go world. As such, you can use Ingress's map system to figure out where, exactly, you should target your hunting efforts. (If you see Portals on Ingress's map, those translate to PokéStops.)
13. Drop lures at bars or shops if you don't want to hunt
If it's lazy Pokémon-catching tips you seek, you can find quite a few Pokémon by attaching Lures to your local coffee shop or bar and just sitting back and waiting. You'll usually get a new Pokémon spawning inside the Lure every 3-5 minutes, with a chance of a rare Pokémon appearing. You can stack this with Incense, as well, but Incense will spawn many more Pokémon if you're actually walking through the world (up to 1 a minute) as opposed to staying stationary (more like one every 5 minutes).
14. Be picky with your Stardust and Candy
When you first start Pokémon Go, it's tempting to want to boost and evolve your first Pokémon, but I'd encourage waiting: As you level up, you'll find lots of higher-level creatures — which will often become much more powerful when evolved.
15. When evolving creatures, choose the higher-level creatures
When power boosting your Pokémon, you'll see a level ring around their portrait: The amount filled in the ring indicates their level in comparison to your own max level (the far right side of the ring). If they're close to your level to begin with, the result will be a much-higher evolved creature.
16. Use Lucky Eggs before an XP spree or evolving Pokémon
Lucky Eggs, which you can get as level rewards and buy from the Shop, will double your personal Trainer XP you collect for 30 minutes. You can use these pretty effectively to grind up your level while catching multiple Pokémon, but the best time to use these eggs is when you're evolving Pokémon.
Normally, you get 500XP for evolving Pokémon; with a Lucky Egg enabled, that jumps to 1000XP every time. If you have a ton of Pidgeys, for example, you can evolve them into Pigeottos with just 12 Pidgey Candy — and net a ton of experience, in the meantime.
17. Trying to get your egg to hatch? Move it around your room
If you don't have time to take a walk to get your 9.8km/10km egg to hatch, try moving your phone back and forth on your desk or around your office — if your trainer moves, you're in a place where the GPS signal is unsteady enough that you can trick the game into thinking you're walking. Keep moving your phone back and forth, and eventually your egg will hatch!
You won't be able to cheat and drive, however: Pokémon Go stops counting your distance once you move above 10.5 km/h (thanks to Silph Road for the info)
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